School Disclosure blog cover
As a new school year begins, and education professionals establish and re-establish respectful and caring relationships with students, parents, and coworkers, we open channels of communication. These channels are critical in building the safe spaces needed for noting child safeguarding and protection concerns, receiving disclosures of abuse, and reporting concerns and disclosures to the safeguarding lead or child protection team. 

1. Everyone who works with children in the school community, including administrators, teachers, bus monitors, reading volunteers, coaches, and outside contractors, have an ethical obligation to report concerns of abuse to the child protection designate or an administrator. It is crucial that all school staff and community members know how to report child protection concerns to the child safeguarding and protection team at your school.

2. Changes in a student’s behavior are worth noting and reporting. For example, if a usually happy student becomes sullen or withdrawn, the counselor or another trusted adult should check in with that student to see if they are ok. School activities like art and writing projects might also give a glimpse into a student’s thoughts, and any concerns those might raise should be shared with the counselor, child protection designate, or the child protection team.

3. Professional boundaries should be outlined in your school’s Code of Conduct. Everyone who works with children at the school or through school-related activities should receive the Code of Conduct in a language they understand, be given a chance to ask questions, and then be required to sign it. Maintaining professional boundaries is the best way for the school to avoid liability and for staff to reduce the risk of being accused of inappropriate behavior. A few key points to include are:

4. If you notice that a teacher, administrator, or other staff member is not maintaining professional boundaries, report your concerns to the appropriate administrator or child protection team member. When questioning whether to report a colleague’s behavior, don’t ask yourself, “What if I’m wrong?” Instead, ask, “What if I’m right?”

School disclosure blog tip list
Download the full resource here.

Thank you for all that you do to keep the students in your care safe. Find additional free resources and guidelines on ICMEC’s Education Portal at